Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dr. Oz, please stop it.

Hello all! I follow Gluten Dude on Facebook and he's pretty good for information about gluten-free living.  He's down right honest about life and what it's like to live with Celiac.  Which is why I'm posting his blog in my blog today.  Attached is the link to his blog with a video of Dr. Oz talking about gluten-free being a scam.  I watched the video and based on the comment Dr. Oz made, he believes people just choose to be gluten-free.  He, the doctor that he is, never even mentions that people could have an actual medical condition that requires they be on a gluten-free diet.  Makes me wonder if the wheat industry is one of his sponsors for his show to be honest with you.  Watch the video and read what Gluten Dude has to say and decide for yourself.

Hope you're having a great gluten-free day! And remember, there's LOTS of us out here that know more than some doctors! (It is called "practicing medicine" after all!)


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Does eating healthy really cost more?

Hi everyone! If you've followed me for a little while, you know I'm a plant-based eater.  Meaning, no dairy or animal protein of any kind.  Not even eggs.  While I know being gluten-free can already be overwhelming, especially to those newly diagnosed, I just wanted to say that there are a ton of plant-based options!! And, the good news is, it doesn't cost as much as you might think to eat healthy.  So today, I want to share an article I found from one of my favorite websites.

If you have a few minutes to check it out, please do.  I like educate myself and then make my own decision, which I hope you do as well.

As always, have a great gluten-free day and thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hello everyone!! It's cake day!! Here's why. I noticed a friend on Facebook asking for a gluten-free cake recipe.  I don't have a favorite one that I use, but I do like to share the recipes I find online.  I am attaching a couple of links to websites with recipes for gluten-free cakes! Feel free to let me know if you try any of them and how they work out.

Hope you have a great gluten-free day!!
