Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Orthorexia and Udi's crust at Pizza Hut.

For those that have to eat gluten-free, today has been an interesting day. Social media is all about calling out those with celiac or gluten-intolerance by saying they have what the director of Celiac Disease  Center at Columbia University - orthorexia.  Which basically is saying if you take your treatment of celiac too serious, then you have a physiological disorder.  Which we all know is, well, a really DUMB thing for someone with a medical degree and the director of a celiac center to say.  So,  just to show why this "orthorexia" may be occurring, I thought it would be good to share some other news I came across in the social media world today.  Pizza Hut will be offering Udi's gluten-free crust.  At first, I got a little excited, then.....the fine print - While Pizza Hut® is proud to offer pizzas with gluten-free ingredients, Pizza Hut kitchens are not gluten-free environments. Due to the handcrafted nature of our menu items, variations in vendor-supplied ingredients, and the use of shared cooking and preparation areas, we cannot assure you that our restaurant environment or any menu item will be completely free of gluten. 

I'm still trying to wrap my brain around who thought this was a good idea? Honestly. I can drive to the nearest Walmart, Kroger, or health food store and buy an Udi's pizza without the possible contamination.  But according to the social media buzz from today, by choosing to NOT purchase the pizza from Pizza Hut, I have orthorexia.  Like having celiac disease isn't enough. 

I know eating gluten-free is so much easier today then it was 10 years ago, but this is just a slap upside the head to those that have to eat this way to survive.  Once again, it makes me wish I owned a punching bag with a big picture of gluten on it! 

I hope you had a good gluten-free day, even after all the negativeness thrown at you.  Remember, education doesn't always make someone smarter.  In fact, sometimes it means they have completely lost touch of common sense.  


And here's the Pizza Hut one: https://order.pizzahut.com/glutenfree


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